Thursday, May 15, 2008

Paper wings......And um, hey, is this a stress response??

So, I've been dealing with quite a bit of stress these days (understatement) on many fronts. A lot of fires to put out and I've no firehose.

But sometimes, at the end of the day when there's been so much going on, I just put things into perspective and look at what I do have and realize how incredibly lucky I am. It cost nothing and demands nothing of me. And can never be taken from me. And nothing will take me from it. And it makes me realize just how capable I am of truly loving someone unconditionally and without measure. It is my family.

On another subject, or rather while I'm on the subject of stress, I suppose that, when you're under such tremendous amounts of it, release can be amazing when timed just so. I had The. Most. Fantastic. Orgasm. I. Have. Ever. Had. In. My. Life. last night...... Ever. I've had many. This was tops. It was endless and although I confess we haven't even studied the book we bought on tantra ages ago; it just happened. Magical, it was.
So, I suppose the moral here: That which does not kill you, only gives you mindblowing orgasms?
Thx Laz. If nothing, we'll always have this *smirk*...

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