Monday, March 24, 2008

Does This Booth Make My Boobs Look Big?

I no longer celebrate Easter in the conventional sense the way my family did when I was young anyway. And so I worked. I was sleepy and hoped to finish last night by around 11pm; but carried on until 2am. "Let me just finish this.....Oh, and this....And this....". There's just so much to do before the expo and such little time in which to do it. But with each media clip I see from past expos, it makes me a little more nervous about having a booth next to these big names. I guess I'm worrying about the size of my, um, booth, compared to the next guy's.......Ha! Get it? It's relative......

My writer girlfriend's convinced there's a certain power in turning 40 now. She tells me..."no wonder the world is orbiting around you right now, spinning around the charm and beauty and fire you possess. You are going to rock this expo!". She's invincible. She decided that this year, the year she turns 40 herself, she's going to run marathons. And she has, and is.

And so I just need to rock....

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The Periodic Englishman said...
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